Direct & Zapier Integrations for business


Ways to connect?

Enable SMS functionality in other applications.

Direct Integrations

Through our flexible SMS REST API, we have built direct SMS integrations into some popular applications. We are continually adding new SMS integrations, simply login into your SMS Account to browse all Integrations.

Zapier Integrations

Thanks to our friends at Zapier, you can now send and receive SMS from 100,000’s of programs, CRM’s and platforms. Zapier provides the workflow infrastructure, that allows you to connect to thousands of platforms.

Custom Integrations

Consolidate your messaging across your other software by using our API to integrating SMS into multiple channels. To increase efficiencies across your entire environment and keep your costs down, submit your request here.

Some of our direct integrations include..

Looking for an integration not listed?

Talk to us about an integrated solution for you. You will be surprised how quick and easy this could be.

How Zapier works?

Zapier allows you to easily create dynamic workflows using triggers (when this happens) and actions (do this) – workflows can be simple or complex by involving more than one trigger and action.

Here are some example of a workflow can be formulated using Zaps:

      • JotForm (Survey/Attendance) > Google Sheets (Submissions Register) > Edgility (Confirmation SMS to Submitter)
      • Shopify (New Order Received) > Edgility (Confirmation SMS to Customer)

Integrating SMS into your business processes has never been easier.

Explore our Zapier connections

Or create your own using our Edgility zap.

What can you do with Edgility’s Zapier App?

Edgility’s SMS Platform is rich in features, below is a glimpse of what is included on each account.

New Incoming SMS (trigger)

Create a workflow or process that starts when you receive a reply to a message sent from your Edgility account or any message sent to your unique Virtual Number.


Edgility (New Incoming SMS) > Google Sheets (Create New Row)

Send SMS (action)

This action allows you to send an SMS in reaction to any set trigger. You will need to ensure that whatever Zapier App triggers this action, also passes through a valid mobile number for sending.


Shopify (New Order Received) > Edgility (Send SMS)

Create Contact (action)

Start building an authorised SMS contact list by having contacts automatically created in your Edgility account, as the result of a trigger.


Mailchimp (New Subscriber) > Edgility (Create New Contact)

Are you signed up to Zapier?

Zapier provides the workflow infrastructure, that allows you to connect the services of thousands of platforms, for the purpose of streamline processes. To start creating Zaps, sign in or sign up to Zapier.


*Signing up to Zapier is completely FREE and includes up to 5 operating zaps – fees apply if you require more.

Register and start sending today.