Virtual Mobile Numbers also referred to as dedicated numbers or long codes, are just like normal mobile numbers that your Messageport account can send and receive text messages from. In addition to SMS, Virtual numbers allow you to send and receive MMS or forward inbound calls to a landline or mobile number of your choice.
Promote your virtual mobile number through brochures, website and advertising campaigns. Create streamlined and cost-effective engagement with your clients and prospects. Customers can request information, opt-in to promotions or provide feedback. Use keywords to automate the process.
Send and recveive SMS and MMS from your account. Perfect for promotional campaigns and customer service communication, when an image can help get the message across.
Sometimes its necessary to give your recipients the option to call. Call Forward Virtual Numbers allow recipients to call the number you text them from and be forwarded to your nominated landline or mobile.
Set-up keywords to allow people to opt-in to your lists, create multiple keywords per campaign to allow a specific automated reply to be sent when triggered by a specific keyword.
Send to any number of recipients and set up an automatic follow up SMS to be sent at a later date, to any recipient who did not respond to your original message. This is great for building attendee lists.
‘Opt-out? reply STOP’. Through MessagePort, your unsubscribe list is kept up to date while your SMS marketing campaign remains 100% compliant.
Add links to properties or documents in your messages and use are shortlink tracking and reporting to see click throughs.
Agents can set up a virtual number for each of their property listings, they will then place this number within their online listing details and offline marketing materials.
Using Virtual Number keywords you have the ability to customise a automated SMS which will be send when a client text a specific keyword to your Virtual Number.
Send and receive MMS (picture messages) or have calls to your Virtual Number forwarded to a landline or mobile number of your choice.
Share your virtual number with your clients, they can text in and you can set up automated responses to let them know you have received the message.