Microsoft Teams Integration


SMS for Teams

Connect instantly and maximise your reach with SMS for Teams.

Why use SMS for Teams?

SMS for Teams is a great way to stay on top of support, marketing or customer service queries, as inbound SMS and SMS replies are routed to the Team or Chat of your choice. All messages sent and received appear in your message history, so you always have a record of communication.

Once Edgility for Teams is added to your Microsoft Teams profile, touchSMS will appear in your Message Extensions for quick sending. Select Send SMS to reveal the SMS sending screen, where you can enter one or multiple numbers, compose your message and just click SEND!

Already have an SMS Account?

Now download the Add-in for Teams.

How do I use SMS for Teams?

Signup to Edgility by complete the online registration form click here.
We’ll process your application and generate your account within 24 hours.
If you already have an Edgility account, log in and navigate to Integrations > Teams, click configure.
You can enable the Add-in within Teams by:
      1. Going to App
      2. Search Edgility in the search field
      3. Click Add


Click here to view full instructions

 Edgility SMS Teams App – Chat

1. Click on Apps and select Edgility.

2. Click the + to display apps and search for or select Edgility

3. Choose Send SMS to trigger the seding screen in your message thread.

To streamline communication, touchSMS for Teams allows you to use your Team environment as your SMS inbox.
To receive inbound SMS or replies to your messages in Teams, you will need to assign a Team or Chat to have them routed to. 
To enable replies,
          1. Select your Team or Chat thread, click on the + to display your Apps, then select Edgility SMS.
          2. Select Manage Inbound from the suggestions.
          3. When the following dialogue box appears, click Enable Inbound SMS to have replies routed to this thread.
          4. The Edgility bot will confirm the assignment in your chat thread.

Register and start sending today.